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Welcome to the submissions page! You can submit posts for this archive here and after peer review, the QJTA will add your contribution to the website.
The QJTA is a community-led archive and welcomes submissions!
Submissions can range from just a name to add to our list to a whole page written up. Whatever you have to give us, we'll take. If turning in a full submission, it will be peer-reviewed before it is formally added to the archive. Just post it below and the QJTA will do our due diligence.
We understand that both Judaism and queerness are sometimes not easily definable. For the sake of peer-review, please only submit creatives and/or material that can be confirmed queer and Jewish through research.
Please cite any sources used in your submission. Chicago style is preferred but not necessary. A list of further reading/viewing is welcomed. If submitting media alongside text, please credit your source.
Before sending in a submission, please double-check it is not already in the archive or awaiting peer-review.
Our host site, Wix, requires signing up with an email to use the submissions page. Your information will never be used or sold by the QJTA.
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This post is from a suggested group
Welcome to the submissions page! You can submit posts for this archive here and after peer review, the QJTA will add your contribution to the website.